[アメリカ] 小泉総理もMSエンカルタ(US版)に登場。2005/09/24 23:58

今週のアップデートで小泉総理登場。 郵政民営化の解散と総選挙で勝ったことがきっかけだと思うけど、生まれから今までの歴史がある程度わかるようになっていた。


Koizumi pursued structural reform. In 2005, however, some LDP members in the upper house of Japan’s parliament blocked his goal to privatize the national postal service. In response, Koizumi called an early parliamentary election for the lower house. LDP members who had opposed him were officially banished from the party. In the September 2005 election the LDP and its coalition partner, New Komeito, won a landslide victory, taking 327 out of 480 seats. The two-thirds majority gave Koizumi the power to override any opposition to his economic reforms in the upper house.

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